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Taking place at Terre Lente, Westerstraat 55H, 1015 LV Amsterdam
Event details of GDC New Academic Year Borrel
11 October 2024
18:00 -21:00

Dear colleagues, 

On 11 October 2024, please join us for a beginning of semester borrel! This will take place at Terre Lente (Westerstraat 55, 1015 LV Amsterdam), a cosy Italian delicatessen in the centre of Amsterdam; Calabrian-style drinks and snacks will be provided.

At the borrel, two researchers will present board games they have designed based on their research. 

Annalisa Pelizza (University of Bologna and Aarhus University) will introduce the board game My documents, check them out, a role-playing game inspired by the principles of design justice and STS Making and Doing: The game was co-produced with Lorenzo Olivieri as part of the ERC-funded project Processing Citizenship. Over the course of the game, players must design an application document which will allow them to have their asylum request accepted in a European country. Needless to say, the will encounter multiple impediments, like in a traditional goose game. The game was co-designed with people on the move, their lawyers, and social service workers as part of Lorenzo Olivieri’s PhD research.

Federico Bonelli, an Amsterdam-based artist and developer, will present the game Le Grand Jeu, a hands-on tool to co-design sustainable micro-economies empowered by crypto-currency. The aim of the game is to develop narratives about the society of the future nurturing and raising this answer from a collective, playful and creative consciousness.

Join us for drinks, pasta and socialising! 

We look forward to seeing you there.

Team GDC

Annalisa Pelizza is professor of Science and Technology Studies (STS) at Aarhus University,  department of Digital Design and Information Studies, and at the University of Bologna, department of Philosophy, where she is the chair of the Governance of and by Infrastructures group. She was Associate Professor at the Department of Science, Technology and Policy Studies (STePS) at the Univeristy of Twente (2013-2019). She is currently vice president of STS Italia. She has been the recipient of excellence science grants, including two Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and the Processing Citizenship research project funded by the European Research Council, and has widely published on governance, data infrastructures; long-term transformations in modern institutions often hidden in technical minutiae; sociotechnical aspects of data infrastructures, including ontologies and interoperability; social informatics and its methods, internet cultures. She is the author of over forty scientific articles and the monograph Communities at a Crossroads.

Federico Bonelli is currently living in Amsterdam (NL). He works freelance as Director and Creative Producer for Media Rich Projects and Film. He is as well a research consultant for European projects and an independent media artist. He founded and directs Trasformatorio Foundation, Laboratory for site specific arts, with whom he approached community building and art lead innovation. Le Grand Jeu ( is a project started by Federico in 2016 that aims to play the discourse about transformation as a table game.
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