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Amsterdam Compacte Stad 1974-2000. De Erfenis van Michael van der Vlis
Creative Industries NL & EFL foundation grants. Main applicants: Petra Brouwer and Tim Verlaan (2020-2025)
Ongoing PhD projects
Raoul van Stipriaan Luïscius, Historicizing Almere: How Almere’s social and urban fabric became agents in its shifting identity (2025-2031)
Sean Lewis, The university as the new asset class: An analysis of institutional property development, spatial transformation and reinvention (2022-2026)
Vany Susanto, Popular politics and social identity in early modern Batavia (2021-2025)
Wilma van den Brink, The pleasure business: Entrepreneurship in Dutch prostitution, 1850-1911 (2021-2028)
Maroesjka Verhagen, Feeding the city: A bird’s-eye view of Amsterdam’s food supply from its hinterlands, c. 1550-1800 (2020-2025)
Concluded research projects
The Great Urban Transition: The Rise of Nonfamily Households in Amsterdam and Beyond
Fair and Resilient Societs (FRS) seed grant. Main applicant: Tim Verlaan (2022-2023)
Coining Roman rule? The Emergence of Coinage as Money in the Roman World
NWO Veni grant. Main applicant: Marleen Termeer (2019-2023)
The Invention of the Refugee in Early Modern Europe (1450-1750)
NWO Vici grant. Main applicant: Geert Janssen (2019-2024)
PhD and postdoc projects by Lotte van Hasselt, Hans Wallage, Gerdien Evertse and David de Boer
Managing Multi-Level Conflicts in Commercial Cities in Northern Europe (1350-1570)
NWO Vidi grant. Main applicant: Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz (2018-2023)
PhD projects by Ester Zoomer, Christian Manger and Alex Collin
Virtual Interiors as Interfaces for Big Historical Data Research: Spatially Enhanced Publications of the Creative Industries of the Dutch Golden Age
NWO Smart Cultures grant. Main applicants: Charles van den Heuvel and Gabri van Tussenbroek (2018-2022)
Healthscaping Urban Europe: Bio-Power, Space and Society, 1200-1500
ERC Consolidator. Main applicant: Guy Geltner (2017-2022)
The Freedom of the Streets. Gender and Urban Space in Europe and Asia (1600-1850)
NWO Vidi grant. Main applicant: Danielle van den Heuvel (2017-2021)
PhD projects by Marie Yasunaga, Bob Pierik, Gamze Saygi and Antonia Weiss
Imagining a Territory. Constructions and Representations of Late Medieval Brabant
NWO Free competition. Main applicant: Mario Damen (2016-2020)
Age of Trust and Cooperation? The Social Fabric of Urban Communities in England, Italy and the Low Countries, c. 1350-1550
NWO Veni grant. Main applicant: Arie van Steensel (2012-2016)
The Franciscans of Mount Zion in Jerusalem and the Representation of the Holy Land (1333-1516)
NWO Free competition. Main applicant: Guy Geltner (2012-2016)
A transnational perspective on informal diplomacy in early seventeenth-century Venice
NWO Veni grant. Main applicant: Maartje van Gelder (2011-2015)
Concluded PhD projects
Arjan Nuijten, Urban Challenges, Urban Answers: Drug Policies at the Local Level in the Netherlands Since 1945 (2015-2022)
Nathan van Kleij, Beyond the Façade: Town Halls, Publicity, and Urban Society in the Fifteenth-Century Low Countries (2015-2020)
Antona Weiss, Crafting Nature, Cultivating Gender: Gender and Urban Nature in Berlin and Amsterdam during the long 18th Century (2018-2024)
Sanne Klaver, The social and public life of elite women in Syrian cities under Roman rule during the first three centuries CE (2013-2018)
Martje aan de Kerk, Madness and the city. Interactions between the mad, their families and urban society in the Dutch Republic, 1600-1798 (2014-2018)
Merel Klein, Tussen burger en bestuur. Briefwisselingen over de stedelijke omgeving in negentiende-eeuws Amsterdam (2008-2013)
Enno Maessen, Istanbul’s contested imaginings: Beyoğlu’s history and space in the identity politics of sociocultural groups, 1950-2014 (2014-2018)
Tymen Peverelli, The town as fatherland. The dynamics of urban and national identities in the Netherlands and Belgium, 1815-1914 (2014-2018)
Janna Coomans, In Pursuit of a Healthy City: Sanitation and the Common Good in the Late Medieval Low Countries (2013-2018)
Frans Camphuijsen, Boundaries of Disorder: the Societal Narratives of Late Medieval Urban Law Courts (2011-2016)
Valentina Covaci, The Franciscans of Mount Zion in Jerusalem and the Representation of the Holy Land (1333-1516): The Power of Rituals (2012-2016)
Rianne Hermans, The Integration of Latin cults in Roman Religion: Memory, Cult Practice and the Construction of Religious Identity (2011-2015)
Anna Sparreboom, Venationes (Staged Animal Fights) in Roman African Cities (0-400 AD) (2011-2015)
Tim Verlaan, The Future of the Dutch Inner City (1960-1978)(2011-2015)
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