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ACUH members are well-represented in the editorial boards of leading urban history journals, amongst others Urban Historyand Stadgeschiedenis. Please see below for a selection of articles published by ACUH members.
Marleen Termeer, 'De macht van munten: het eerste muntgeld van de Romeinen', Geschiedenis Magazine 7 (oktober 2020), 32-36.
Moritz Föllmer, ‘Urban Individuality and Urban Governance in Twentieth-Century Europe’, in Simon Gunn and Tom Hulme (eds.), Powers of the City: New Approaches to Governance and Rule in Urban Europe Since 1500 (London 2020).
Tim Verlaan, "The City is Collapsing Under Our Very Own Eyes": Spaces and Emotions of the Dutch Urban Crisis, Moderne Stadtgeschichte 51:1 (2020) 65-81.
Emily Hemelrijk, Women and society in the Roman world: A sourcebook of inscriptions from the Roman West (Cambridge 2020).
Gabri van Tussenbroek, 'Amsterdam's Crystal Palace - a forgotten example of British engineering (1858-1864)', International Journal of the Construction History Society 35:1 (2020) 87-110.
Ronald Stenvert and Gabri van Tussenbroek (eds.), Inleiding in de bouwhistorie. Opmeten en onderzoeken van oude gebouwen (Utrecht 2020).
Tim Verlaan, 'Digging in the Crates: Archival Research and Historical Primary Sources', in: L. Bertolini and Nanke Verloo (eds.), Seeing the City (Amsterdam 2020).
Marleen Termeer, 'Coinage production in the Latin colonies', In F.M. Cifarelli, S. Gatti and D. Palombi (eds.), Oltre “Roma medio repubblicana”. Il Lazio fra i Galli e la Battaglia di Zama (Rome 2019) 69–78.
Danielle van den Heuvel, Bob Pierik, Bébio Vieira Amaro, Antonia Weiss and Marie Yasunaga, ‘Jiyūkūkan to shite no gairo: Asia-Europe (1600-1850) no toshi kūkan to jendā kenkyū ni okeru atarashī apurōchi’ [‘The Freedom of the Streets. New research into gender and urban space in Asia and Europe (1600-1850)’], Toshi shi kinkyū/Journal of Urban and Territorial History 6 (2019) 109–123.
Frans Camphuijsen and Jamie Page, 'Introduction: New Approaches to Late Medieval Court Records', Open Library of Humanities, 5:1 (2019) 1–26.
Gabri van Tussenbroek, 'The great rebuilding of Amsterdam (1521-1578)', Urban History 46:3 (2019) 419-442.
Bob Pierik, ‘Geslachtspolitiek van de straat. Een aanzet voor intersectionele geschiedenis voor vroegmodern straatleven in Amsterdam’, Historica 42:3 (2019) 3-9.
Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz, 'The concept of language of trust and trustworthiness: (Why) history matters', Journal of Trust Research 00 (2019) 1-17.
Emily Hemelrijk, 'The empire of women: How did Roman imperial rule affect the lives of women?', in: H. Cornwell and G. Woolf (eds.), Gendering Roman imperialism (Cambridge University Press 2019).
Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz, ‘Maritime Networks and Premodern Conflict Management on Multiple Levels: The Example of Danzig and the Giese Family’, in: Settimane di Studi e altri Convegni: Maritime Networks as a Factor in European Integration (Firenze University Press 2019) 385-405.
Danielle van den Heuvel, Bob Pierik, Bébio Vieira Amaro and Antonia Weiss], ‘The Freedom of the Streets. Nieuw onderzoek naar gender en stedelijke ruimte in Eurazië’, Stadsgeschiedenis 13:2 (2018) 133-145.
Nathan van Kleij, ‘De beschermende cirkel. Stedelijke identiteit in de Middeleeuwen’, Kleio: Tijdschrift van de Vereniging van Docenten in Geschiedenis en Staatsinrichting in Nederland 7 (2017) 20-23.
Clé Lesger, Het winkellandschap in Amsterdam, ca.1550-2000. Stedelijke structuur en winkelbedrijf in de vroegmoderne en moderne tijd (Hilversum: Verloren 2013).
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