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In this seminar, Jelle van Lottum and Lodewijk Petram (Huygens Institute) turn the spotlight on some of Amsterdam’s lesser-known inhabitants. Based on their latest monograph, they will walk us through the stories they have uncovered, providing a closer look at the lives of people who wandered the Amsterdam's streets from 1660 to 2000.
Event details of In the Shadow of the City: Crafting Narrative Histories about Ordinary Amsterdammers (1660-2000)
21 March 2024
15:30 -16:30

Van Lottum and Petram will unfold how their project came to be, from initial curiosity to research, making extensive use of the digital archives of the Amsterdam City Archives to reconstruct the experiences of individuals such as Dirkje Andries, who endured life in a workhouse, and Jacob Kerrens, a foundling, and construct vivid stories of their ordinary lives.

The seminar underscores the significance of the ordinary in the history of Amsterdam, and, in fact, any place. By piecing together a series of fragmented histories in their book, Van Lottum and Petram aim to enrich our understanding of Amsterdam’s past, offering a fresh perspective on the city’s development and the diverse characters who have contributed to its story.

Bushuis/Oost-Indisch Huis

Room E1.02
Kloveniersburgwal 48 (hoofdingang)
1012 CX Amsterdam